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How to make my son to understand the value of 10th std?

My son is in 10th,doesn’t like to study.He is a hyper child.How to handle him.I have tried a lot in many ways.Can any body help me???Thx..

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Ms. Kelly Grade is referred to as Standard in many countries! If you donot understand the question no need to be rude. Not everyone on the net is American.

To answer the question you should cut back on his sugar intake and also limit TV. Watching too much TV can cause Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD. See a psychiatrist and increase his intake of green vegetables. Good luck!


Kelly R
You may need to take a look at his diet. There are a lot of foods out there that can cause this kind of behaviour. Try and get a hold of a book called “Solving the puzzle of your hard to raise child” Written by William G Crook M.D. and Laura J. Stevens published by Random House It tells you what foods to completely avoid for the first 2 weeks. After that you can slowly reintroduce the foods one at a time to see which ones affect his behaviour.

Hope this helps.


Your question looks like your saying your son has his 10th sexual transmitted disease. You might want to word this differently. Anyhow – he may have ADD – get him tested – and get him help.

tell him in two more year, you are kicking him out, so it would be better for him to get good grades and graduate if he wants a decent job

as he got ADHD?

Give your grades a lift Order