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how to make 13yr old feel older/mature?

i babysit a fair amount of kids 3 days a week. it is just me and one other girl, babysitting employees of the church’s kids.

the thing is, i have 3 boys between the ages of 10 and 13, so that is crazy. then i have a 9 yr oldgirl who only speaks russian with a behavior problem (she likes to run off-occupies both of our time&energy a lot chasing after her) and then an 8 yr old girl.

then i have a 5 yr old boy and his 4 yr old brother. they dont want to play with each other, but their mom doesnt want them playing with the older kids (long story). but when we do have to bring them all together, the oldest boy feels like he’s being treated like a little kid. and i cant blame him. its hard to accomodate 2 bored, spoiled boys while trying to chase after a runaway and satisfy an add child AND make him feel older and more mature.

what do i do??? how do i make him feel older and more mature while attempting to keep the other’s under control?

Top 1 Answers

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Ask him to help you out with monitoring the other children. Or something of that nature..

He’ll feel like a young man in no time.


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