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How much is the fees for CT scan in PPUM (pusat perubatan university malaya)?

Im an university student, haunted with serious headacheproblem for 4 years, recently decide to go for a CT scan for my brain, see what is wrong. Now i need to know the fees for the scanning. im waiting anyone who is kind to answer. thank you very much.

Top 2 Answers

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This is not the place for this kind of question. If you’ve already had the scan, it’s a little late to worry about price. You’ll get the bill soon enough.

nurse in progress
you did the right thing. Hopefully it is just stress from school. Don’t worry about the bill. They have charity and if that can’t help you there is payment plans and as long as you give them a 1$ month they can’t say or do anything. sorrry been there this can get very expensive,but try not to worry about that part you have enough to worry about. good luck and my prays are with you

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