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Dan Theman

How many people don’t know what “loose” means?

It’s amazing how many people confuse “loose” (as in ‘The seatbelt is too loose.’) and “lose” (as in ‘You will lose your wallet.’). So many people use the former incorrectly that it’s starting to make the correct word look wrong, and i actually went to just to make sure. I guess this isn’t really a question so much as it is a complaint, but comments are always fun to read 🙂

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I think most people know the difference between ‘lose’ and loose’. But I also think that they are either confused about the spelling, don’t think correct spelling is important, or just plain careless.

5 years ago
What a wonderful question. Religion is, of course, the form that one’s worship takes. Thus there are thousands of forms. Religion includes a system of religious beliefs and practices. The object of the religion may be false gods or the true God. Hence, there is false religion and there is true. Religion can get very fancy or remain simple. In the former case, such as it is today. In the latter case, such as it was in the Garden of Eden. What then is worship to me? How do I worship? To worship means to obey. And to obey means to worship. The two are intimately connected; indeed, they are coterminous and cannot be separated. Specifically, to obey the Sovereign Lord God Jehovah of Armies is to worship Him. I do my imperfect best in this regard. I fall on my face and get back up to try and try again. In the Garden of Eden, so long as they obeyed Jehovah, Adam and Eve were worshiping him. No temple, no Mosaic Law, no meetings. Simply leave the tree of the knowledge of good and bad alone. Simple. The minute they disobeyed, they stopped worshiping Jehovah. Same with the nation of Israel. The minute they attempted to practice a syncretistic religion they stopped worshiping Jehovah. The minute they made the golden calf, they stopped. And on and on. To worship is to obey. To obey is to worship. Hannah J Paul

I have that problem…. I always have to go back and check….just to make sure I used the right word.

Like my ex girlfriend was loose and im glad i decided to lose her?

And I thought it was only me doing that !

I’ve noticed that too!

Scott B
I do

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