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How likely are you to be hired as a teacher if you have a GED?

My niece, who lives in America, wants to know this. However, I have no idea, not knowing the policies of American institutions. What would you say?

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The GED doesn’t matter. To be hired as a teacher she needs a teaching license, obtained after she has received a degree from an accredited College of Education.

I don’t think employers look at whether you got your GED or not. If you’ve got a degree and a teaching license, you’re good to go. If an employer were to question why she got a GED rather than a diploma, she should be upfront about it. Youth is when mistakes are most easily forgiven, and I would argue that getting a GED isn’t always a mistake. Sometimes it’s the best thing to do in a given situation. Reassure your niece that she’ll be fine. 🙂

It won’t be an issue once she completes a teaching certification program. Even if she wants to substitute teach, the districts with the lowest requirements require a GED or high school diploma (but that varies between school districts within a state), and since she completed a year of college, she would have more than the minimum amount of requirements to do so.

Whether you get hired or not depends on where you want to teach and your area(s) of certification or licensure. The fact that she went to college after getting a GED will not affect her. If she wants a job in teaching she should look at getting certified in math, science, or special education. Every area of the USA needs teachers in those areas. If she majors in art ed, pe, music, or social studies, odds are she’ll barely find a job.

As long as she graduates college and completes the required training to become a teacher (with flying colours would help greatly), her GED won’t even be a factor.

It doesn’t matter if she has a GED as long as she graduates from college. I too have a GED and a Master’s degree and have not encountered any difficulty finding work.

I have a GED and am a teacher. It shows them your dedication to presevere, and you are better opt to help discourage students who are considering dropping out because you have been there. Just as long as you are not boastful of the fact they care about your qualifications and dedication to the job.

If she has all the required college degrees, then the ged won’t stop her.

i think you have to have a degree higher than what you can teach. like you need a college degree to teach highschool, or something like that. i doubt she could get anything above kindergarden/grade school with only a GED.

I don’t think it matters. They look more at your college performance. If she was accepted into college and does well in the program then there should be no problem.

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