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How is it someone that is a high school drop out get a good job and someone that has a education cant?

I know this girl that is a high school drop out and has a good job when I called to apply they told me I needed 2 years of college and law firm experience.

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Perhaps she knows someone. Maybe she made a good impression. Maybe she is a hard worker. Maybe they were desperate? It is hard to say sometimes. My husband is a HS dropout but has a very good job at a place that usually requires a diploma and prefers a college degree. He began through a temporary service but was quickly hired on full-time despite his education because he is a quick learner, hard worker, and a people person. I on the other hand graduated salutatorian with a GPA of 4.25 have attended college (still working on my degree) and can qualify for little more than a waitressing job. Education only counts for so much. There are many other important skills required for doing well in life.

Maybe she knew someone who worked for the company. Maybe she worked her way up in the company.

Don’t be discouraged. Many companies will overlook or bypass some of the “required” characteristics, if you have other experiences that relate to it. Its all in how you sell your skills/experiences.


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