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how easy do you think it will be to change my major after getting my AA in something else?

I am currently getting my AA in Arts for Social Science because I have started and only have two semesters left. However, I have decided that I really in the long run want to do Finance. Preferably Auditing/Accounting or Financial Analyst. Do you think that four years are going to think that I am crazy for changing my major?

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People change their majors all the time! I went through about 5 majors before deciding on my major. No one is going to think you are crazy. How hard will it be to change your major? Probably not very hard, the courses that transfer will be accepted as electives and you’ll just have to focus on your major courses for the majority of your time at a 4 year school. You may find yourself taking an extra year or semester to finish your requirements, but it shouldn’t be much of a concern.

4 years ago
that’s noted as one hundred and one for a reason. that’s the main elementary psych type you may take; in case you may not shelter that then you relatively can not shelter the foremost. distinctly not after failing two times. once I can understand (besides the actual incontrovertible fact that failing a one hundred and one, relatively?), yet if you fail two times it somewhat is relatively useful to to contemplate whether that’s relatively the suited substantial for you. i’d wish which you’re actually not attempting very stressful or you’re incredibly a lot screwed. in case you’re actually not attempting then provide up dicking around and do the artwork so which you pass the rattling type.

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