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How do you study effectively?

What do you do to understand concepts (without memorization)? How is it possible to understand something and to store it in “long-term” memory?

Also, how do you read the textbook? Notes in the margin?

During lectures?

Please, tell me how you personally study and how successful academically you’ve been using your study methods! Thanks!

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Wow, I’m also an effective studier but I want to learn a better way to be able to memorize things.

Whenever I want to understand concepts, I tend to use stories in my head. As I memorize them, I build up the story. Once my “story” is complete (and most of them aren’t reasonable and don’t make any sense whatsoever), I go over the story in my head several times. I’m a visual learner so if I am needing to do so, I’ll even draw out the scenes of the story, and label each scene with the information that it’s resembling. This way, I’ll memorize lots of information within an hour or two.

When I read the textbook and I’m having to read it all in only a short time limit, I tend to first read only the sentences that contain bolded words. If I think that the paragraph is something that I should know, I skim through it. It’s not quite possible to pick up all the information, unfortunately.

Again, I, being a very visual learner, have the most struggle in lectures that involve listening. Whenever I’m listening, information goes through one ear and out the other even when I am concentrating. So I reluctantly listen, and jot down notes that I think are the most important as QUICKLY as I can (and it’s also barely legible). I go home, and if I have time, I re-write my messy notes by typing them on the computer and highlighting the parts that I think are the most important. I read them over several times.

There’s absolutely no way that one can pick up all the information they need in a short time limit. To be successful academically is to review, review review!


you dont know me
I know school is tough and you need a good strategy to get good with the stuff. Ok. First if you are the type of person who gets on teh computer and goes to myspace and emails and stuff like that STOP IT(only if you are). You need to spend you time at least going over what you did at school and what you learned. Take notes when the teacher is telling you somethign it might be on a test especially if they tell you to. That does not mean not everyhting htyey say. Listen 80% of the time and take notes 20% of the time. Textbooks may be hard to read especially if you hate reading. But take it a step at a time. If taking notes help then take notes. if you come across a word you don’t know do not be afraid or embarrased to look it up cause that’s the way you learn.

Say it over to yourself if you need to memorize it or write parts you cant memorize over and over again on paper that really help. An breack it into pieces. If you try to memorize a whole paragraph at once it’s not going to help


Shannon A
I try to do study/do homework in my most difficult subject first because then I’ll be more alert and able to uderstand it. I also study for 2-4hr. blocks and then get up, listen to music and eat a little something(usually a light snack)so that I don’t concentrate on how full I am or how empty my stomach feels when I go back and hit the books.

During lectures I have my book out, I don’t carry a notebook because I usually just take notes in the book itself…if I have to carry a notebook I normally write only the assignment, the date and important points of the lecture in it. At the end of the day I transfer the notes to my computer. This helps me because I see the concepts again and am typing them so they are neat and legible. I sometimes write important facts, dates, vocab on note cards using colored gel pens, or construction paper flash cards with markers. Color systems help me to memorize things but only if I have a system. I designate certain colored pens and construction paper to certain subjects and sometimes even certain aspects of the subjects. I take French, so one way I use the construction paper flash cards is by using pink for femanine words and blue for masculine words. The color system can also help if you highlight things in your books.

Some instructors allow you to tape record their lectures, but I’d advise you to ask first because some instructors think you’ll put the lecture on a file sharing site and they don’t get the money for the lecture. But it helps if you’re an audio learner, and if you missed anything during the lecture and think it may be important. You can buy recorders at most electronics or office supply stores for between $20-up.

During class time I make sure my cell phone is turned off completely…that way it’s not a distraction. I’m not big on texting, but if your phone is off then you won’t be as tempted to use it during class.

When you sit down to study make sure there are no distractions. Quiet instrumental music is good, but nothing with words that might distract you. If you feel yourself getting tired then walk away and take a break don’t push yourself too much. Have pens, pencils…etc. out before you begin studying.

Starting up a study group can help to discuss topics, issues, and lectures, but keep them small. You can assign outlines to each person and have them report back to the group…write down a summary of what they say or have them type up a summary that you can read later on.

Also don’t be afraid to see your instructor during their office hours, they are there to help you if you have a question or need to get something clerified. Some instructors will debate with you on concepts in the books which is great becuase getting another perspective can help on essays.

I have had a lot of success with these study methods and I’m a “B+”/”A” student because of them. So I hope they help.


I study with pleasure when I now that what I learned will be useful. You must study with pleasure. I want to now english , french, spanish and german because I have read that Emma Watson (Hermione in Harry Potter) likes boys that do sport and know 2-3 languages and now I want to know 2-3 languages because , who knows maybe I will meet her .

i personally cant study with destractions so i find a quit place. a libery,park or even a cafe.during lectures i type down the most important things and use cornell notes.when i have to read a textbook i use the blackined letters (if there are any)and use cornell far im getting a’s and b’s.

I put notes all over my textbooks. Highlight anything the teacher goes over or definitions. While reading I also summarize everything in my own words. Then read everything over and over again. Then I have my friends ask me the study guide questions.

just read it. after u finish a paragraph, summarize it 2 urself and learn the key points of that paragraph. for memorization, use the unique mental skill that only humans have: the mnemonic device. when u wanna memorize something, like a vocab word, actually say the word out loud to urself then the definition. the sound will help ur subconscious mind remember the word better.

I find that writing things down (by hand) helps me retain things very well, especially if I sort through and organize it in some way that is unique to me (instead of just copying it out).

Well, I try to read and think how it is in the life, is easy……

I don’t get any idea for explain you better, but I hope you can understand me…

good luck and study LOL. 🙂



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