How do you set up a third grade classroom?
How do you set up a third grade classroom?
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Um…Guessing your a teacher but anyways.Being only 16 i rember 3rd garde a little but my best thing to go for is group desks together as in groups,like 4 to 5 desk per group. Then put things up around the room that they might use during the year like a adding table or something and As a bouns for the kids have each table compeite againts one and another for who ever dose all there homework they get a gold star and at 10 they get a prize with could be bought from the dollar stor for little kid things and coloring books.I hope that helps….Dont tell anyone i helped a teacher or i might be made fun of LOL =) and Good luck if this is your first year alone.
This is not as difficult as you may think. Type “setting up a third grade classroom” into your search engine. Also go look at Harry K. Wong’s web site “First Days of School” or buy the book. Make things interesting and not cluttered so finding things doesn’t becomes difficult. Put up posters that cover their curriculum. Keep it simple and peaceful. Get your discipline plan in place and have the kids contribute their ideas on what is fair and not fair. Read Harry Wong’s book and it should help.