How do you pronounce Montreux?
There is an apartment complex near me and the sign out front says Montreux. I have heard them advertised on TV but they pronounce it Mawn-troe. I thought that was spelled M-O-N-T-R-E-A-U-X. Did the sign maker screw up?
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yes mawn-troe is the correct way to pronounce it. no the sign maker didn’t screw up
4 years ago
Montreux Pronunciation
6 years ago
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How do you pronounce Montreux?
There is an apartment complex near me and the sign out front says Montreux. I have heard them advertised on TV but they pronounce it Mawn-troe. I thought that was spelled M-O-N-T-R-E-A-U-X. Did the sign maker screw up?
Mawn-troe is a reasonable pronunciation of Montreux, It is spelt the same as the famous Swiss city, known for (among other things) for it’s famous jazz festival.
5 years ago
pronounce montreux
Hey, the people on TV were correct: it IS pronounced Mawn-troe. It’s a French word and French pronunciation, that’s why it looks weird.
Well, sorry but I disagree. ‘Montreux’ in English would more reasonably be pronounced, ‘mow(n)-t(uh)-ruh’ than ‘mow(n)-t(uh)-roe’. The latter would be the correct pronunciation if it were spelled as you suggested, with an ‘a’ added.
Spelled with -eux, it should rhyme with the number ‘deux’ in French, which is not pronounced ‘doe’!
Granted, ‘mown-troe’ is easier to say in English than ‘mown-truh’ or ‘mown-trerr’………… perhaps a concession to linguistic feasability has to be made!