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How do you improve your concentration in class?

I always find myself wondering off in class and loose important points. While at it please put tips on good study habits.

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Here r some tips that would surely help u:

* Sit in the front of the classroom, close to the instructor .

* Try to sit away from potential distractors, such as open doors, windows, or disruptive class members.

* Try to anticipate the main ideas of the coming lecture:

Look over your notes of the previous lecture and read the course material. If you have questions about material from the previous class or text, ask the instructor before class about them.

* Prepare a few questions you expect to be answered on new material if possible .

* Put yourself in the “mood” with attentive expression and posture; do not sprawl

* Shift position in your seat every so often. Don’t sit frozen in one position. Shifting on occasion will help keep the blood circulating, send more oxygen to your brain, and help you remain alert .

* When appropriate: ask a question, ask for more clarity,

or engage an instructor and the class in dialogue

* Train yourself not to give in to distractions


Copy down everything the teacher says. Not everything but give a summary of the lesson for that day. Jot down little reminders that they say about test dates or test information. Good study habit is to review daily and learn to independently go over information and take it all in. Advice like this can be one sided since the thing that can cure the person to your right and kill the person to your left. Try things to keep your interest in the course and experiment with studying ideas. Vocabulary words can be put on flash cards along with any subject information needed to be held for a test. Try to remember patterns of information and how subjects can be alike. I’m a senior in High School and I’ve passed with national honors my whole life not because of my race, sex or how much money my parents made but because i did my work. Easiest way to finish something is to start.

Love your job ,do your work ….do not abuse your self…

Love your self do not let your self be a looser


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