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How do you find the right major to study in college?

Right now I am majoring in Bioengineering. I have no complain so far besides taking Physics as part of my class but I know my heart is not in it. I do not take extra steps to learn more or question beyond what the text told me to.

I do not want to follow my parents’ footsteps. Though both are engineers they grumble each day after work hating the major they chose. I want to find a major I love. Making a lot of money is not my priority. But one obstacle stands in my path: I do not know how to find my right major.

Any assistance will be accepted. Thanks.

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Look to what you enjoy doing in your spare time.

For example I my self have always enjoyed drafting. Growing up I drew rocket or space craft, but never though about it more then that. That was until one day I saw a commercial that got me thinking. Now ten years later its a job I love. I don’t dread going to work, and feel good when I leave.

I had a boss once that said that if your not happy in what you are doing then you need to find something that make you happy. Being satisfied by you job will ut weighs the paycheck.


M o
I don’t know how well I can answer this, considering I’m pretty much in the same boat as you, but the thing I keep hearing is to pick something you’ll be interested in or have fun with. Without knowing what year you’re in, I’d say take a class every semester that has nothing to do with generals or bioengineering. Take a class on Eastern religions, a pottery class, a sociology class, etc. I haven’t declared a major yet, but by taking all sorts of things, I’m narrowing a path of things that I find PERSONALLY interesting. And maybe don’t listen to your parents on this…my dads been telling me about the job I need to get in a few years even though he’s never gone to college….I think you’re just going to have to go with gut instincts….what do you really enjoy discussing with people? What do you enjoy reading about?

I guess I’m just trusting that I’ll find some class that really fascinates me….

best of luck.


Analize allt he things you love to do and all the thing you are naturally good at. Then ask yourself this question:

Would you rather spend your life working in a job your naturally good at or in a job that you love?

I struggled with the same thing. I had a natural flare for writing so I always thought journalism was the was the way to go. But then I started dabbling in movies, making them for school and then I thought well maybe that was the way to go and I could still write my own scripts right. But then I worked on the election and realized how much I loved polotics. So I was soo confused as to what to do. Int he end I decided i would make documentry/movies ont hings that were important, thing sthat deleiverd a strong message. Whilest still keeping in tact everything i’m good at and loved to do.

it takes time to figure things out…it doesn’t just happen. Though it would be nice if it did. 🙂


You don’t mention what year you’re in but the first couple of years of college are a time of exploring your options. You should take classes that interest you to see if they are something that you want to pursue. By your Jr. year most people know what they want to major in and then take the appropriate classes.

What lights your fire? What do you see yourself doing in 5 years? 10 years? You are the only one who can answer those questions. I wish you well.


most people work in fields that are not their major so don’t sweat it.

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