How do you convert fractions to decimals and percents to decimals.?
here are the percents 0.5%, 5%, 45% and 245% (i want them in decimal form)
Plese give detailed answers, thanks so much!
Favorite Answer
-Fractions 9/45=0.2 , 99/44=2.25 , 56/64=0.875 , 19/4=4.75
-Percents .5%=.005 , 5%=.05 , 45%=.45 , 245%=2.45
Basically to convert fractions to decimals you divide the top by the bottom. (On a calculator would be easiest)
To convert a percent to a decimal take the percent number and divide it by 100.
Hope this helps!
Example 0.5% is 0.005
5% is really 5.0% so the decimal is 0.05
45% is 0.45
245% is 2.45
To convert fractions to decimals you divide. If the numerator (top #) is SMALLER than the denominator (bottom #) the answer will be SMALLER than 1. For example, 3/4 is 0.75; but if the numerator (top #) is LARGER than the denominator (bottom #) the answer will be LARGER than 1. For example, 5/2 is 2.5.
Check out or some other websites
99/44=2 11/44=2 1/4=2 25/100=2.25
Move decimal point two places left.
How do you convert fractions to decimals and percents to decimals.?
here are the fractions 9/45, 99/44, 56/64, 19/4 ( i want them in decimal form)
here are the percents 0.5%, 5%, 45% and 245% (i want them in decimal form)
Plese give detailed answers, thanks so much!
Percent to Decimal, just divide them by 100.
to get a percent to a decimal, just take the number and put it over 100 to make it a fraction, then solve from there (0.5% = 50/100, 5.00% = 500/100, etc.)
Divide the bottem number by the the top number
Ex. 9 divide 45=.2
Decimals to fractions
.5=5 over 10 123.456 the one in the ex is the hund place
2 is in the 10 place 3 is in the one place .4 is tenth place etc.
tenth means over 10 hundreth over 100 you see:)
.5% would be .005. 5% would be .05… keep in mind that you’re talking about 1 being a full unit… and a % is the percent of that unit… so to find what it is… figure what % of a unit it is and go from there.
you can do the same thing with the fractions… just get the dec the same way.