How do you become an actuarist?
I want to become an Actuarist. That means i probably gotta study Actuary?
How do you do that?
what field of bachelors degree/masters degree would you need?
where can you get this?
Top 2 Answers
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Often this is part of a math department, but not always.
Advanced degree in applied mathematics useful also.
One of my daughters is majoring in math and intends to be an actuary.
She said she has to take like 10 tests over a period of a year or two outside of the university, like they are not part of her math curriculum. Once she passes the 10 tests, she is an actuary. There are some math courses she is taking that will help with the actuarial test, but some of her math courses are not related, she just needs them to graduate with a major in math.