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how do i teach young children(like maybe 5 years old) geometry?

what are the different aspects to teaching geometry.

what kind of objectives are there?

for example

teach them how to identify shapes of their everyday life. – computer is rectangle, table is rectangle, an orange is round…

what else?


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Melissa, as a Montessori teacher, I had the opportunity to teach Geometry to kids younger then 5; at that age, we depend a lot on the tactile perception. Providing the kid with cut outs of the shapes we want to tech him [they work better with wooden cut outs]. Do not pressure the kid, let him handle the figures, let him use his hands to touch and determine the different kinds of shapes.

The lessons are very simple:

THIS IS: the circle, and let him handle the circle, feel the curve and get used to the shape.

WHAT IS THIS: you ask pointing at the the circle, mixed up with all kind of shapes.

SHOW ME: the circle, let him identify the just introduced shape in the surrounding area [apples, tires, coins, letter O, vase of a cup, etc]

I hope this will help you, e-mail me if I can be of any help.


I agree with the above answer – keep things simple. Yes, you want to teach them the basic shapes. And your idea about shapes in everyday life is good. A good idea is to talk about road signs. Most kids around the age of 5 know many road signs. Another thing I use to do with my preschoolers is to make pictures with shapes. Cut out all kinds of shapes in colorful construction paper, then allow them to make pictures with them and talk about the shapes while they glue the shapes onto paper.

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