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How do I have a good freshman year in high school?

Im 14 and sorta scared about going to highschool in the fall. I have friends and all but there are still 4 different lunches! Were you scared too?

Top 9 Answers

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don’t get involved in the rumor mill. listen more than you talk, never ever say anything nasty about ANYONE because it will get back to them, break up with a guy FIRST, don’t put out, and stay a little mysterious.

one more thing-sometimes friends are fickle.

But don’t forget that high school is really the best time of your life.


El Jefe
It’s normal to be a little apprehensive about new things. Think back to how you felt about moving from elementary school to intermediate school…that was probably a little scary, too, but it sounds like it turned out all right.

Be open to new experiences and making new friends. You don’t have to drop your old ones, just accept that new ones might come along.

You hear a lot about high school being the best time of your life. Well, for some it is, for others it isn’t. Enjoy the good parts and don’t stress too much over the bad parts…even if it doesn’t go so well, you’ll still have most of your life in front of you when you get out.

High school is a great opportunity to do some growing up, so take advantage of that! You’ll have lots of decisions to make, and you’ll learn something from each of them. For the most part, you’ll be in a situation where you can really screw up without doing permanent damage to your health, life, or relationships…that’s a luxury most adults don’t have. Accept your mistakes, learn from them, and move on. Laugh when you can, cry when you have to, take a little something from the experience and leave a little bit of yourself behind.

You’ll be fine.


Well since I was a freshman last year I guess I have some advice. First stand up for yourself. Don’t let people pick on you and if they do stand or be next to someone whom you know will protect you or be by your side like a teacher or a friend. Second, don’t forgot about your classes because I know high school can be very fun and exciting but if you are late for class you will be punished * though in my school you got detention! for being late to class*. And finally try to have fun and it will be alright, just don’t try to get into trouble but sometimes you might be cool to an upperclass student and that is very cool. +)

Don’t invest to much in friendships.. you’ll will get hurt. No matter if you think that person is your twin seperated at birth.. hs is weird like that… Just do what you want…. dont take crap from upperclassmen.. they will only treat you bad if you let them…. try to get your parents out of the house and throw a party.

High school should be fun. Just always be alert and only trust your true friends. And don’t let anyone bully you, otherwise you’ll get caught up in a mess.

go to

and on the left section it says high school survival guide. click it, it helped me sooo much.


stay out of the upper class mans way

do your homework. and stay out of upper classmates way. be on a teachers good side.

Yeah. Just try to get laided as much as possible and your good!

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