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how do i get help getting school supplies for two children going to kindergarten?

i have one child going to kindergarten and one going to preschool how do i get help with supplies?

Top 7 Answers
In larger cities, there are many drives for back to school supplies. Many of these drop offs are at major grocery stores, radio, and TV stations. These drives will probably be in about two weeks and you will be hearing about them. Call the Red Cross, United Way, Salvation Army, and the school your children will attend. They can also guide you to distribution sites. Some of these will be area churches. Good luck.

Well, If your talking about just school supplies like pencils and paper, crayons and things like that you could try a place like a flea market or thrift store, I found a stand ( many actually) that had packs of pencils and other supplies for dirt cheap! Like 50 pencils for 10 cents. As far as clothes and backpacks go you could try the Goodwill or garage sales.

A few weeks before school starts walmart puts out these lists found near the school supplies.They will tell you what you need to buy for your child.Last year the had them for preschool-12th grade.

First off mabey some of the people “answering” your question should go back to school.

If you contact your local department of social services office,or look up community service agencies in your area they can give you a valueable list of organizations that help with school supplies.(yes give them for free)

Like in c/s CO there is “Chrismas Unlimited” that goes thru several agencies to help us parents out,the social service office and Comunity Health Dept. are a couple places to pick up applications.

Also there is “Operation School Bell” that will give your child a few NEW clothes,under clothes,socks,a coat ect. .Usually you need a referal for this service,mainly from a school counsler.

Which opens another door for supplies,is contact your school counsler and they should have a list of orgs. that will assist you and they can give you the needed referals.

Salvation Army can give you Walmart gift cards good only for shoes.

Almost all churches that assist the community ,have school supplies they give out as well as the community sevice agencies.

The internet is an invaluable source of info. changing search words in same queery will give you more choices.

Good luck in your search,n to all the “Smarties” out there with their dumb comments n obvious put downs,she’s smart enough to venture out there for help for her childerens education,disreguarding people like you will spend their time “commenting” on ?’s like this instead of helping them selves or others like she is ,who’s the dummie now?BACK TO SCHOOL!!!!


you go to the local store,.. check the school supply list,.. gather the supplies put them into your basket and then push your basket thru the check-out counter and pay for the supplies

by help do you mean,.. you want “Free School Supplies” for your children? Contact your local charity organizations for a hand out


Ask the school(s)

They will have lists of what you need to get.

For lo income they will have referal sheets for programs to get it free too… But you have to prove you need the assistance and aren’t just being cheap, asking others to pay for your kid’s stuff..


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