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How do I find out what my reading level is?

How do I find out what my reading level is?

Top 1 Answers
☼ procrastin8 Ψ

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Are you still in school? If so, teachers should be giving periodic tests to assess the levels of their students, this usually happens at least once per grading period. If this doesn’t happen then there should be a diagnostician or psychologist in your school that can give an academic achievement test that will give a grade and/or age level for reading, math, and writing. If you are in college there should be someone similar that will do these tests too. If you are out of school you could find a psychologist who will do this or maybe if you live near an adult learning center they will offer this type of testing. There are probably some tests online as well, but I wouldn’t completely trust those results, but they may give you a guideline to go by.

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