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how do i find out about homeschooling my children if i was to move to spain?

i am wanting to move to spain and have 2 children, yet am finding the school fees to be quite expensive. would i be able to provide the teaching for them myself by homeschooling them? are there any laws or rules that must be followed for this?

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Dennis forget about home education for anything! Most home teachers fail miserably.You have to prepare your kids for A LIFE in Spain!! My wife was the chartered Educational Psychologist for the Costa del Sol. We were both educationalists and would never put our own children in International schools or home tutor them. It’s madness. Separates them from their peers etc etc etc.. The list against is miles or Kilometers long! The points for only support excuses.

If you wish to move permanently to Spain then your kids must be assimilated into the community. If your child had problems in your home country they will have them here! Our 11 year old daughter was mildly remedial the elder was in the top 3 for Greek, Latin etc. 2 quite different children academically. We put them into a village school and for the first year they didn’t know if they were in History or Math classes! But as they made friends they learn’t the language and now at 25 and 22 have a language school, and a web design business. No learning difficulties now! Sometimes struggle brings out the best in our children! Do not pander to their weaknesses, but encourage their strengths!


The school fees are probably not more expensive than having a parent home and the family having to pay for the materials themselves. Especially being in Spain, you’d have to pay the shipping costs to order English materials.

Please, if the cost is the only reason to homeschool, consider carefully this decision. It’s not to be taken lightly. You need to be committed to doing a good job.

For information on homeschooling in Spain, check


In regards to this part of the question: would i be able to provide the teaching for them myself by homeschooling them?

My answer would depend on your reasons for doing so. Any person of normal intelligence can homeschool their child(ren).

You don’t have to be a genius, if that is what you’re asking, nor do you *need* some special piece of paper stating you went to school and are now able to teach children, LOL.

You just have to be willing and dedicated to ensuring your children have the best education available to them..and that is one that is provided by a loving parent.

As for hs’ing in Spain, check with They should know.


I would check with the Home School Legal Defense

They work with, and provide information for home school families in the US, and overseas.

Most families I know who moved overseas, and choose to home school were military families, so this web site may or may not be of any help to you, but it does have a lot of information.


Check out this website……


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