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how do i become booksmart?

i’m not a booksmart person AT ALL…there are people who, when they study, it just comes easily to them. I’ll read for hours, use notecards, etc…but i won’t do as well as i would have liked to. I’m definitely more “people smart”. I want to become a nurse soo i kinda need to be “smart” with alot of concepts – what’s the key to being booksmart? Any tips?

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Well I would say you just have to be born like that, maybe you can improve your studying on several ways. I am a booksmart type but don’t think it’s a big advantage, you should be aware that if you study slowly with more patience that you can memorize information much better. Don’t worry you just keep studying on the way you can, or that fits you. Oh I can give you advice maybe you can use B-complex vitamins, they are not expensive. It works to promote healthy nerves, improve mood, strengthen the heart, and improve heartburn and it is great for memory. And you can also try with chocolate: it is also great because it contains some things that can bust you convolutions to work much better and chocolate milk too,lol

Good luck with studying if you need any help with anatomy or pathology or any other medicine class just email me I will help you or with Latin, good luck with studying = )


Well, since you are already people smart, you have a good start for nursing.

Being booksmart usually implies that you only know stuff from books but can’t really do anything. It is not a compliment to say someone is book smart.

Just keep working hard with you goal in mind. Study as you have been but try to get on-hands help from anyone you know.

Since you seem to really want to be a nurse and are willing to work hard to get there, I know you will succeed. I have a sneaking suspicion you are a lot smarter than you think you are.


Not meaning to brag, but I’m quite smart. I’m doing advanced courses, i have a 92% average, and I’ve skipped a grade. Studying, and stuff just seems to come naturally to me. When studying for tests, the main thing to do is figure out what will be on the test. Is it multiple choice or short answer? Think about the sections your teacher focused on the most, and study that first. Next, study whatever you may have had trouble understanding, or what doesn’t come easily to you. If you have time left over, read through your notes or textbook, and highlight the important parts. Being smart isn’t always easy, but being organized definately helps. Good luck!! : )

Maybe you have a photographic memory. I do pretty well in school, but when it comes to test I try not to study for hours and hours because you’ll put way too much info in your mind to remember, so just take it easy and you’ll probably do better.

any other questions can be emailed to me a [email protected]


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