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Leonard K

How come textbooks don’t come with ready made mnemonics?

Since it is established that mnemonics are useful for remembering academic material, why aren’t there any textbooks that have mnemonics. I believe this would save the student a lot of time.

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I think it’s because if you make up your own to aid your learning you are more likely to remember it. Just the process of making it up means you are concentrating on the information you need to learn.

Example of one I remember from my school days:

Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain (initial letters of colours of the rainbow)

Example of one a student gave me to remember how to spell necessary:

Never Eat Cress Eat Salad Sandwiches And Remain Young


Mnemonics are widely considered cheating, since you don’t really learn the material, just some catchy memorable thing. I do wish they came with it though. You can always make your own (I do!); it just takes longer. The fact is, textbooks arent written in the students’ best interest.

Quiet nerds burp only near school –the 4 orig. canadian prov.


new brunswick


nova scotia.

it came out on the simpsons today, lol


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