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How can you study something so boring, and be able to memorize well?

I need to study vocabulary, but I really hate it. I need to keep it stored in my head, just its so boaring, I can’t! It’s odd, I know, but its a little problem I have.

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for me, flash cards. i just cut paper and make them into flash cards..of i write it over and over again =) i hope ur studies go well

Make up a word game for it. We were studying economy, and we decided that Laws of Supply and Demand should be LSD, and Privatization, Corporations and Profit should be PCP. Get it, PCP & LSD?

Do a thing like HOMES to remember all the Great Lakes (Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior.)

Mostly, I just take the first couple of letters and make up a nonsense word with them. For example, qwertyuiop is the top row of letters on a keyboard but you can remember it by pronouncing the letters as if you were saying a word instead of saying each letter individually.


There are many ways to do it.

1) Find some one to study with, and you can study by discussing it. By this way you can finish it faster and remember also.

2) study while listening to music or watching TV. It will come by practice.

3)You can do it out side your home. Like in park or balcony.

4) While eating or when you are with your parents.

5)Write it down in pages read one page at a time when you are in a good mood.


Make notecards. Make a song out of the words. You could also write a funny story using your vocabulary words to help you remember them.

Relate the words to things you do like, or relate them to something funny. If you like music, memorize using a song..sing the words and definitions.

Question what you read, take down notes and highlight this way your not dazzing off into space and your actually involved in the reading, for vocabs i guess the only way to do it is to read it over and over again, until it sticks in your head.

make flash cards and make a game out of it….thats what i do.

its not odd to hate vocab, I hate it..but I pass on the tests (during school) everytime.


Write it out and use flash cards.

who knows

bimmer boy
just do it.

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