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How can I help my 15 year old daughter prepare?

My daughter is 15 years old and she is really doing well in High School. She is taking all the AP courses. I have bought her a laptop and the programs that prepare to take the ACT.

My question is what extra materials can I get her to help her prepare for success in getting into a top University?

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It’s great that you want to help her prepare. But be careful and not to push her too hard.

What is her opinion on wanting to go to a top University? Does she want to go to one? Does she want to stay closer to home for college?

I really believe you should ask her what she wants to acheive, and HELP her wishes, rather than pushing her to YOUR own expectations. Doing that is only going to make her resent going to college because it’s YOUR decision, not her’s.

Once you both are on the same page, my only suggestion is to look up information together. Don’t look up everything yourself, let her exert herself. She is the one who will have to be doing that when she goes to college, so it’s good to start now.


I wouldn’t push your daughter too hard. She needs to be able to motivate herself to do all the work because you won’t be there holding her hand in college. The first thing to ask your daughter is what does she want to study in college. If she has an idea then you should suggest her to persue those kind of subjects in high school. Although its good that your daughter is taking APs, people should only take them if they have a strong interest in the material and not for the sake that theyre high level courses. Just make sure your daughter is involved in some extra curricular activites or sports at her school.

6 years ago
tricky problem. look into with a search engine. that may help!

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