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How can I get financial aid if I’m 22 and emancipated from my parents?

I have been emancipated by the court since 18.My parents refuse to give me financial details so I cannot fill out FASCO for student loans.Any ideas ? I received aid in California but the state that I moved to said I must have parental finance reports

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Have you spoken to the financial aid office at the school you would like to attend? What you are looking for is a dependency override which is part of a professional judgment. Financial Aid Administrator can preform a professional judgment but their decision is final and can not be appealed to the DOE.

The school is probably going to ask you the circumstances of WHY you were emancipated. Whether those reasons are sufficient to do a dependency override is completely up to the FAA. I would make an appointment o go speak to them right away, and as I say when I answer many questions, be polite, treat them respectfully and they will go out of their way to help you.

And do you mean FAFSA? I have never heard of a FASCO and I am an aid officer.


In fact you can fill out the Fasco, you just have to provide poof that you are indeed emancipated. In fact it will work in your favor, you do not have to use their income, it will be based on your income alone. If you are having problems knowing how to fill out the papers and which papers to fill out, by all means pay a visit to your school’s financial aid office. It is their job to help you feel those papers out correctly.

5 years ago
A very close friend of mine just went through this. Her financial aid advisor tried every loophole, but FAFSA still required her parent’s info until she turned 24 or married. It is completely unfair, I agree. Most 22 year olds are living on their own and supporting themselves. I wish you the best of luck, and wish I had a more encouraging answer for you!

Maybe you can try below website to get the information you need. It’s about student loans articles for your second opinion.

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