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how can i get back on track in school? please help!?

at the beginning of the year i was doing really well in my school with straight A’s…but now after i hv done my end of year exams, i’ve not done as good as i should have…is there a way in wich i could try harder in lessons and bring up my grades from before? i really want to get into college with A’s and B’s…so please help me =[

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Most of us usually start out strong in school or anything we pursue, but loose steam at the end. Human nature is us getting tired and bored of the same thing, so I like to make things a game.

I always find the top 10% students of the class, and always try to do as good or better than they are. Ofcourse, there’s always someone smarter around, but it keeps you on your toes. This way it’s more of a competition in your own mind, and makes things a little more interesting.

Also, you can think of someone you’d like to impress, including yourself. If I had a good teacher, I enjoyed trying to make them think I was a really good student. Nothing feels better than working hard and having great grades in the end. Another thing is to find another student who does well, and mingle with them. Keep records of your grades and keep a good average. Be the little engine that could!


i suggest you look back at what you used to do at the beginning of the year then find the difference in attitude, friends, educational enthusiasm. If nothing is found you just pray and continue to work hard more preferably double your effort. May God help you. All the best to college.

There is really nothing that you can do to fix the grades that you have already gotten. Once you dig yourself into a hole it is very hard to get out of it. You need to concentrate on your studies and try to get all A’s in order to bring your cumulative GPA up to where you want it to be.

focus on organization don’t let friends distract you. start fresh!

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