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How can a middle-schooler striving to excel get ahead?

I’m asking this question on my mom’s account: I am in eighth grade and I really want to get ahead. I am in the highest level of all my classes, I get straight A’s and I study hard. I do extra-curricular activites but I want to do something completely ahead and out of the ordinary. Do you know of any clubs I can join? Or classes I can take to get high-school/college credits? I already have an internship. I am very lucky to have supportive friends and family but is there anything ELSE I can do to get ahead? ( I already devote much of my time to charity)

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After College

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First of all you need to relax and enjoy this time in your life. Some colleges have started to look at middle school records due to competition but you sound like you are already doing above and beyond for your grade level. The field will change a lot when you enter High School. Make sure you are aware of all AP, advances level programs, and any dual enrollment programs through your local HIgh School. Start a portfolio now of all your accomplishments. A portfolio is great to have on hand when you start applying for college. Also if you would like to start some research look into different scholarships and see the requirements. Many require volunteer hours as well as academics. Just remember colleges generally have three way percentage split for admission between GPA, SAT/ACT, and extra-curricular activities. Also, last thought, be careful what you have about yourself on line (i.e. My Space) college admission departments can use goggle too!

Leon K.
jesus freaking christ. Your already ahead. Do a couple hundred hours of community service if you really want to, but jesus! can you say obsesive? o wait, you can probably say it in like 50 different languages. It sounds like all your things are acedemic. Do some physical stuff, that way your well rounded.

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