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Home therapy for ADHD?Help!!?

I’m watching my little brother with ADHD for the summer, while my mom goes to work. He doesn’t get any therapies or modifications at school. He desperately needs to catch up on reading and fine motor. He is on medication and using a visual schedule like children with autism use. He needs intensive therapy that school and insurance won’t give him. What our family do? I already have him work on reading somewhat, but it’s not effective. Any help’s gladly appreciated, thanks!

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My son has high functioning autism and ADHD. A few things that were suggested to me was to use closed captioning with the sound on its helps to see and hear the words at the same time. Also cutting out words on sandpaper (or textured wallpaper or any material that you can feel) instead of regular paper and letting him trace the words seems to help.

You might look up sensory integration therapy. The more involved the senses are the better some kids do in remembering things. Also and are good resources. You might also check with your local NAMI office sometimes they have people who can help you get services thru the schools. Does your community library have any reading programs?

I think what you are doing is awesome you don’t say how old you are but you do show a great deal of maturity. And please don’t let the flippant and sarcastic answers get you down because unless you live with it you really cant understand it.

Best wishes to you and your brother


♥Smile & confuse people♥
It’s going to be okay I know how it feels. Also *it takes more than meds to make people with ADHD work, there also has to be some ambitions or motive

I loved pop ups when I was a little kid because you could interact not just sit there…………*which is nerve wrecking when you are a kid with adhd lol

For the reading part does he like to draw?

For every page make him stop and write notes our draw a picture to understand what is going on. Or if he is into can act what had just happen (with a demonstration or whatever)

Sometimes the visual schedule can get boring…well it did for me

Try not to force him to read though, just like fruit. It is a certain time when he will be able to read and comprehend so the info will be fresh. If you force him it will not do any good for him being able to answers questions later.(probably best to make him study 10 to 15 mins after he has took his meds.)

Find a book that he is interested in like cars or robots(boy stuff) Then have a quiz for him to do later to make sure he read the book.

Honestly is hard for us(people with adhd)to read period….but visual things can always make it better like notes or highliting things

If you need anymore info about ADHD studying skills feel free to email me, I will gladly help.


Peggy L
If he’s on medication, he should be able to concentrate on his reading and some fine motor exercises. For reading, find some books he would be interested in – you didn’t say how old he is so I can’t suggest anything. You read a page and have him read a page — do this for short periods throughout the day. Chapter books are good because he will want to know what happens. Get your mom to help you find some crafts that he might like that use fine motor skills – its got to be something that he thinks is fun! Play some games that use fine motor skills, cut with scissors, work puzzles, make things with popsicle sticks and glue, play with play dough, etc. Put some corn starch and water in a bowl and let him squeeze it!!! The trick is to make it fun and not punishment – its summer vacation.

He is 5, why does he need to read? Most 5 year olds with out ADD are bouncing off the walls and full of energy. Help him burn off as much energy as possible before trying to do anything that requires sitting still.

In some countries children are not taught to read until they are 7. They seem to think the brain is not developed enough yet for reading.

If the ADD impacts his education (and of course it does) the school must help him during the school year. Research and Learn how to effectively advocate for him in school.

Good Luck, your efforts and work will make a difference.


Okay…I am going to assume that the medication is the correct dosage and you are giving it to him as prescribed.

A set schedule works well and congratulations on following that. You are also doing a great with taking him outside to burn off energy.

For fine motor skills have him count coins, thread sewing cards and trace lines on paper. You can also have him do dot to dot (also helps learning numbers or letters). With ADHD the attention span is short so don’t force him to work for long periods of time. As for the reading, you can read to him. Also work with flashcards and very easy to read picture books. Again, repetition is important. Make sure that he knows the letters and sounds before you work on the words.

As for the school…they are required by law to provide special services. Just because the school currently not providing him with services does not mean that they should continue ignoring him. If he has learning disabilities (25% of all ADHD children do) he may qualify for additonal services. Your parents may wnat to talk to school personnel to have him tested to see what he qualifies for. He may qualify for services under OHI (Other Health Imparment) if he does not meet other requirements.


Hey Sis! You are doing everything you could possibly do for your brother. It is really nice to hear of a sister with the responsibility and love that you are giving to your brother. I have an 8 year old with adhd. A chart of chores with earning points seems to help with special privileges earned for 10 points every day. I do still have to continue telling him what to do, but at the end of the day when he sees how he got his 10 + points that he is very happy with himself. You didn’t say how old you were, but kudos to you for all you’re doing and taking your responsibility serious. Our adhd children need more dedicated family members like you! Thank you!

If your brother had a medical diagnosis (from the Dr.) for ADHD, your parents can as school for a 504 Plan or if the ADHD is adversely effecting him at school; which is sounds like it is, they can request a Full and Individual Evaluation to see if he qualifies for any special education services. This way he can get extra help at Sheol with the behaviors and academics.

my son had adhd and is on ritalin, i sit with him for short periods of time and read with him and practice handwriting, and then time out to play, then more handwriting and reading….. and thats all you can do like my son i suspect he has a short term auditory learning disorder which means you can tell them something and 2 mins later its forgotten, i have conqured this by giving him 1 instruction at a time, with time to let him think about it before giving him more instructions, and you have to say it in the way he would have said it, sometimes writing down the instructions is helpful also a star chart/reward system keeps their attention.

you must remember though that tantrums are through frustration, and some of the bad behaviour cannot be helped because of their illness, you must remain calm at all times.


Debra P
There are lots of free support groups out there that assist parents of kids with ADHD and various other disorders. If you go to Yahoo Groups and search ADHD, you’ll find plenty. I’ve included a link to one below.

You sound like a wonderful, caring brother!


Try getting him out in front the TV or games they play now days. Take him for a run outside,wear him out,if he wears out and if not he still getting exercise.. Stick with the reading,if it helps great and if not,he is still getting special time with you..

Good Luck


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