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Hi, Whats the differences between Endnote and Reference Manager? Which is easier to use? Thanks : )?

Hi, Whats the differences between Endnote and Reference Manager? Which is easier to use? Thanks : )?

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This seems to be the main question people have when starting out. Which one to use. They both are about the same with some specifics you may or may not be interested in. The last URL I linked takes you to a page with a table of capabilities for each of these software packages. If you don’t know what the item is you most likely don’t need it. Hope this will help you.

EndNote® is the most popular and easy-to-use package.

EndNote Web is a Web-based tool for managing and citing references and formatting bibliographies

Reference Manager® offers network features with simultaneous read/write access to databases.


Millions of researchers, scholarly writers, students, and librarians use EndNote (patent pending) to search online bibliographic databases, organize their references and images, and create bibliographies and figure lists instantly. Instead of spending hours typing bibliographies, or using index cards to organize their references, they do it the easy way — by using EndNote!

Reference Manager

Search Web of Science, PubMed and Internet libraries worldwide from Reference Manager. Export references directly from Current Contents and Discovery Agent. Build your personal reference collection from hundreds of CD-ROM, Online and Web databases — reduce data entry.


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