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HEY!! I got a question for the COLLEGE DORM KIDS!! What would your ideal place to shop look like?

I know there are some great stores with great interior layouts…they have brilliant ideas for how to set their clothes out; for example like Hollister is the beach house, Abercrombie is the NY loft, Barney’s is…well, Barney’s…

anyway, imagine a store (DO NOT NAME ONE THAT ALREADY EXISTS) that you would love to shop for dorm clothes in. What would it look like? Bean bags? Hammocks? Carpet/no carpet?

To start, my ideal store would be like a contemporary loft with funky art, furniture, and just really cozy.

What’s yours?

Top 4 Answers
Meg Kenny

Favorite Answer

It would be like an american eagle…layed back and realaxed..I knwo this year my dorm colors are kiwi and aqua and were gonna have bean bags and everything needed for a dorm

5 years ago
I wouldn’t re-use the drain water; not all plants like how our socks taste. They might gang up on you some dark night. Creeping in slowly… Leaving trails of potting soil… (((O.O))) As for my favorite plants, there’s no way you’d get sassafras trees in your dorm; even the little ones would be too much. And so would honeysuckle, which could end up taking over everything, anyway; they do like to grow and climb. You’d end up having to knock and see if they wanted you to come in, and they’d always be looking over your shoulder. Watching. And waiting… I think basil and mint might be better choices, and of those two I’d pick the Jubel one. And maybe some green nail polish.

Someplace that didn’t have the stink of overzealous adults marketing things to college dorm kids all over it. Especially if it looks like a teen version of Crate & Barrell: the store for boring people.

These are the clothing shop that sale the most updated Japanese import clothes. good price.


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