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Anastasia Beeverhousen

Help! SAT Grammar?

Role models can motivate us if they are people WHOSE achievements WE FIND realistically attainable; IN ADDITION, comparing OURSELVES to super achievers may have the opposite effect.

Which capitalized part of the sentence is incorrect and why? If there is nothing wrong with the sentence please say “No Error.”

Personally, I think it is “WE FIND” because the sentence must read “we find to be.” Am I correct? If not, can you tell me why?

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Whose is used as a relative adjective to introduce a defining clause: of whom or which Example: buildings whose foundations are sinking.”People whose acheivements……” is fine. See?

Verbs are categorized in terms of transitivity and “find” in we find is a complex transitive verb, therefore not needing “to be”.

Therefore: No error



M.Ed. Lingusitics

Good Luck


“In addition” is the incorrect part. It ought to be something like “but” or “however,” since the statement that follows it is qualifying the one before it, rather than simply adding to it.

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