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Help ! Pronounce-Trouble !!!?

Hi ! I am from Europe — and my English is not

too well, so I need some help with this quotation

I translated from German to English :

“The INTERNET-Pages are like modern catacombs :

If You search carefully You’ll find all the wisdom and

knowledge of the HUMAN brains, souls and hearts…”

Understandable !?? Or does it sound stupid !??

Thank You for Your cooperation. Aaron.

Top 5 Answers
Tahini Classic

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I would streamline this a bit in a literary sense. Let’s try:

“The internet is like a kind of modern day catacomb system. In its vaults, you can find all the wisdom and knowledge of mankind.”

There. Sounds like some famous quote now, how about that?


Not bad. Try

“The Internet pages are like modern catacombs :

If you search carefully you’ll find all the wisdom and

knowledge of human brains, souls and hearts


Yes, very well done. I would suggest one further thing——-use

the singular form instead of plural for human brain, soul and heart:

“The internet pages are like modern catacombs: if you search carefully, you’ll find all the wisdom and knowledge of the human brain, soul and heart……”


It sounds fine, except I’d take out the word ‘the’ before ‘human’ so it would read “….knowledge of human brains, souls and hearts…”

Sounds ok from me. Are you German?? My grandparents were both from Germany.

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