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help, on the verge of a nervous breakdown over a writing assignment?

“Father”, the Encarta dictionary’s meaning of this word is “man who is a parent.”

This is obviously very true, indeed but to some, the word “father” takes on a much more significant meaning. A father, for many, is the man you turn to when you want to learn, when you are scared, when you just need somebody to talk to, when you just need to know that somebody is there for you, that wants the best for you and will always love and protect you, and so much more. I feel that for a young girl it is imperative to have a father that you can turn to, not just a male parent, but somebody you are proud to call your father. Girls need a positive and active father figure throughout their lives to provide direction, confidence, stability, and most importantly, love.

Growing up in a fatherless home, myself, has had its challenges througout

Top 7 Answers

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You could easily stretch that out but you need to structure it a bit better. Your paragraphing needs work and many of your sentences are too long. Start with an introduction which includes the definition of father (but I would suggest using a proper dictionary as it is always better to cite books than websites as references). In your intro talk about the points you will make in your paper very briefly and keep it fairly clinical- none of the ‘me’ details. Then write a few paragraphs on each of the topics you have said you would discuss. In your intro you could say Father: the oxford English dictionary describes it as…but in our cultural definition it symbolizes a lot more than this. In this paper I will discuss what a father really means to a child and the kinds of roles they play in their life. I will then talk about how the impact that the absence of a father can have on a child’s life and on society. Finally I will discuss what it has meant to me to not have a father figure in my life.

Then launch into discussing your points in more detail. You can group the info you already have into the three different paragraphs you have already described. Try not to use websites as references. Teachers hate it. When you have done the body of your writing, do a conclusion. Summarize the points you have made and tie it all in together but do not under any circumstances introduce any new information in the conclusion that you did not talk about in the body of the writing. I like what you already have but it has no structure. Good luck.


Is this an academic paper, a personal essay, or some combination of the two? If it’s the first one, the word “I” shouldn’t be anywhere in there. Your personal experience can still inform your opinion, but you’ll have to find a purely research-based way to express your position (and I agree with one of the other commenters that you need to carefully examine your sources for potential bias).

If you are allowed to interject personal elements, you still need to spend a little more time building a factual foundation before you get into the reason this topic is so important to you. This will also give you a chance to expand on some of the points you rush through here (i.e. which categories do you feel you fall into?).


tony b
Hi there….

To make it flow…. you need to ad examples of each statement yo umake… for example….

The man whom protects you…. say something lik… the development of parenthood and society has lead to the belief that a father is the family protector and provider. Protecting the children and the mother while also being the provider. However, this can be chanllenges with the advent of one parent households, where the mother is also the father figure and visa versa…

The realaity is a mother can forful all of the statements you have made. What you are leading towards is saying that a father figure adds a balance to the parenting and to development. Giving a different view of things giving guidence from a different perspective.

Mothers give guidence from thier experiance, fathers give guidence from thier experiance. And parents come together to give a consensus guidance also..

I hope this helps a little.. but remember … give examples to back up your statements. But dont make them one sided… for eaxample… there are many thousands of children brought up by one parent and they have serious problems…


Strong belief in yourself and appreciation of your self worth as a unique individual can help you attain your goals in life because with a father or no father figure you are your thumbprint and even though every human being came into being through the biological parent, the fact remains that you are your soul and it is whatever you make of it that matters most.

While i am not trying to under play the importance of a father especially in a female child’s life i believe that putting emphasis on yourself as an individual is very important to shaping your self esteem and guard you towards attaining the empowerment necessary for you to achieve your individuality and as a result prevent you from the clitche of women desperately looking for validation in the wrong places. VALIDAATE YOURSELF!


stick to the subject. your rant had nothing to do with your question. Anyone saying they are near “a nervous breakdown” definitely and seriously needs a psychiatrist. If you are not thinking of getting professional help then don’t use the words “nervous breakdown” because that (those words) can injure your career, plus it makes you sound super weak and unstable.

Maybe your question should have been “describe the word father as I have to do an assignment on that topic”


You’ve got a good handle on this, but I’d look for something other than a Christian website for my research. You need other credible sources to back up your first person account. Check professional journals available at any good online library.

JEEZ this betta be your dissertation the way u fretin over it

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