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help on gettin a gpa higher than a 4.0?

how do you get a gpa higher than a 4.0? im starting 10 grade and i really need help!! any advice would be much appriciated thanks!

Top 4 Answers

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Usually 4.0 is the highest GPA you can obtain. So get straight A’s and you will be fine. Do your best.

Jeremy B
It all depends on the school system you’re in. I teach at UNLV and 4.0 is the highest possible GPA; however, a friend of mine teaches at a Clark County high school and students there can achieve higher GPAs based on several factors: honors classes, AP classes, and even extra-carricular activities. He believes this practice revolves around the Millennium Scholarship, or giving students back doors to raising GPAs.

Take AP (Advanced Placement) courses, if your high school offers it. Other than that, a 4.0 is the max. AP is the only way to boostyour GPA. Someone I know has a 4.7 GPA because *all* he takes is AP. Don’t overwhelm yourself with challenging courses though. Take challenging courses like honors or AP in subjects you like and that you think you will do well in.

when you get to the real world, it wont matter what your GPA in high school was. if you are at a 4.0, you’ll be fine.

go out and have some fun and stop studying so much.


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