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help me to make a conversation..?

you and your friends in PD Poliytechnic are attending a course in Sarawak. when you saw an old friend whom you haven’t met for a long time. start a conversation to her/him, whereby you have to introduce yourself and your friends to her/him and have a conversation with your old friend.

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Sam: “Hey, Jasper, remember me?”

Jasper: “Hi Sam, how’s it going?”

Sam: “Great. Jasper, this is Bob and Myra. They are in my Calculus class.”

Jasper: “Hi, nice to meet you.”

Sam: “So what have you been up to?”

Jasper: “Not much, just going to class and working. You?”

Sam: “Well I got engaged last month, to Kelly, remember her?”

Jasper: “Yes, that’s great! Congratulations!”

Sam: “Thanks! Well I’ve got to get going.”

Jasper: “See you around!”

Sam: “Bye.”


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