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Solve this like any other equation with an equals sign:

(with one caveat)..

-5x + 1 > 11

Subtract 1 from both sides:

-5x > 11 – 1

-5x > 10

Now multiply each side by -1,

(this reverses the inequality sign – the caveat)

(-1)*(-5x) < (-1)*(10) 5x < -10 Divide both sides by 5 : x < -10 / 5 x < - 2 This is to say that all numbers LESS than (- 2) is the solution. ----------------------- ** Always check your answer ** if x < - 2, then to check, we'll pick a number slightly less than -2, right? -5(-2.01) + 1 > 11

10.05 + 1 > 11

11.05 > 11

Good luck in your studies,

~ Mitch ~


-5x + 1 > 11

-5x > 11 – 1 =10

-x > 10/5 = 2

or x < -2 ````**** note the inequality switches


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