Health is my topic and I have to write on it at least 1000 words from different aspects please help me!?
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Wow, what a brroooaaaddd topic. There are literally millions of aspects you could take! My advice would be just pick one or two things that REALLY interest you regarding to health.
A few things that there are a LOT of literature on (and would therefore make fine topic choices)
– smoking/etc. and effect on health
– drinking/etc. and effect on health
– any sort of eating disorder/etc. and effect on health
– why excersize is beneficial for your health
– Any random disease; you could pick a broad category (such as cancer, std, cardeovascular diseases and devote a breif paragraph to each type.)
As you can see, the possibilities are almost endless! So pick something that you’re personally interested in! = ]
Surely you have learned how to do some type of brainstorming or webbing. Put health in the middle. Draw lines out from that word and then write more specific words as they come to you. For example, you could write the keyword “dental”. Branching off from “dental” you could write “brushing”, “flossing” , “reg. check-ups” and “limit sweet”. Get the idea? When you get ready to write, you can easily write one or two sentences about what to do to take good care of your teeth and how that contributes to your health. This would just be one branch of your brainstorming which you would complete before you actually began writing.
You do not have to become very specific within a writing assignment as short as 100 words.
3-Heart and arterial disease
4-Lack of circulation (causing amputation)
Type 2 diabetes (adult onset diabetes) can be controlled with non insulin medication,exercise and diet in most cases while type 1 is insulin dependent.Like I said,this is one of the most devastating disease there is,and like I said,is one of the top killers of all disease (per capita).I forgot to mention one of the worst effects of this disease is kidney failure.
You can find a lot of good information on diabetes on the computer.(I use Yahoo health )myself.Google has some great information on it also.Good luck.
just copy parts of this article…