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Have you ever thought you were a pretty good speller until…..?

darn spell check showed you otherwise! I thought I was o k at spelling until I realized w/ spell check I’m not so good! There have been a few words that I delete & try to respell, but still can’t get right! The one that comes to mind is purposely. Hey I just got it right! I was trying to add an extra U in there. Does it really bother you when ppl spell words wrong on here? That doesn’t bother me, but when it’s so bad that I can’t understand the question I always wonder if they are really that bad or foreigh? lol Not to be racist, I’m sure some foreigners can spell just fine!

Top 6 Answers
Nita and Michael

Favorite Answer

oLOL, girl you are to funny, i think the same thing, always thought i was a good speller then i hit that button and I’m like oh my gosh, i would of been embarrassed if i wouldn’t of pushed that…i type so darn fast that i get the keys mixed up at times…i always try to spell happily….the right way, i still after finding the right spelling spell it wrong…lol….it doesn’t really bother me, i just don’t want to get so far behind my spelling I’m making up my own language..Lol


spelling I can deal with if it is from regular contacts – questions spelling errors though that are posed from people that are NOT my contacts does bug me; but, not as bad as people that leave out really important whole words within the sentence. I sometimes think these idiots are more of the same off shore Customer Service Rep’s I have to speak with to get something repaired or something along this line.

This IS what bugs/doesn’t bug me about spelling.

Your buddy Gerry.


It’s laziness not to use the spell checker, but I dislike the usage of TXT SPEAK even more.

Then again I can’t really talk – much of the code I wrote when a programmer used to have a little comment from my boss in change documentation

“Amended to correct the spelling from ammended”


4 years ago
The sentences are too quick, lead them to longer, upload element. The entire factor of “He mentioned, she mentioned, I mentioned” makes the reader bored, or disillusioned. I’m no longer seeking to be imply it’s the reality, check out watching in a word list and watching for extra distinctive phrases. Like “muse, mumbled, lied, muttered” And different phrases of that sort. My bet is that you’re among twelve and fourteen years of age.

Sometimes the spell check appears to work & othertimes its broken. I mostly try it when its broken. I have trouble with medical terms but I’m able to work it out in the end & know what’s right.



It don’t bother me unless every word is wrong. I kinda feel like this is more of chat room then a real forum so it shouldn’t matter


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