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Have can I redeem myself academically?

So the last year has been NOT so good academically, I have several withdrawls on my transcript, and 2 F’s. I consider myself a very studious person, but was losing sight of what I was trying to accomplish. After I went through panic because I realized how bad I was screwing up, I’m back on the ball (my GPA 3.6 up until last year), and I’d really like to transfer to a State University, do you think my chances are still good? Do you think they’re is a way for me to make up those withdrawls and F’s?

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Take a deep breath – you’re going to be fine. And believe me, in 5 years, your GPA will mean nothing to anyone (really). Yes, you will still be able to transfer into the state university system as long as your GPA is over 3 (at least that’s true where I am). Try going into next semester with two courses you know you can ace, and one that’s challenging (just to keep you on your toes). You can do this!!!!

you may still have a chance to get into the school you want, the classes that you got f’s in try to redo and the ones that were withdrawn from if they are required classes retake them and that should fix gpa

You need to stay at your school and redeem yourself – retake those courses you failed and withdrew from. The F’s should be removed with the retakes. You will strengthen your chances for transfer.

I am sorry I am not going to go indepth with you. But you have a very good chance. I am serious. You just need to actually go ahead and apply. dont let your failure hold you back.

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