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Has anyone ever moved before their senior year?

Did you ever move before your senior year in high school? Was it hard to get adjusted? In the end, are you glad you moved?

Top 3 Answers
Kristin P

Favorite Answer

I moved half way through my junior year. I moved about and hour and a half away from where I lived, although it does not see far, it is when you are 16. I was dating and seriously involved in the relationship as well.

Now that I look back at it, I am completely grateful I moved. It was difficult at first because the boyfriend and I was a dance team for 14 years. But I survived and made new friends.

I actually thank God I moved because then I would not have found out my boyfriend was cheating on me with my best friend. However, now I am engaged to be married, owning my own home and could not be happier.

Its kind of nice moving, you can start new. No one knows you. I am not saying be someone your not. What I am saying is you can give people a chance to get to know you for you, not for your past or what friends have said.

My best advice, stay open minded. Meet and greet and you will find your way through your senior year and beyond.

Have Fun!


Molly McTrouble
I moved during the summer of 11th grade (from New York to California, no less). I went from a school of around 700 students to a school of 4,000.

I found that it was a good chance to “start over”. I smiled at everyone, watched how people dresssed, and used it as an opportunity to ask various kids I met if I could eat lunch with them and their friends because I didn’t know anyone.

One good tip is to bring along a bag of candy in your backpack to share at lunch. Nothing breaks the ice like candy.

Smile a lot, don’t be loud, and don’t be a complainer.

One advantage was that I had an accent, so students would come up to me and ask if I were “the new girl from New York”. It was nice not have to always take the initiative.

I made some very nice friends that year. I didn’t have a boyfriend, but I did have a co-ed group I hung out with, so that wasn’t bad.

Also, I was able to go to UCLA, which would not have been an option if I had remained in NY. Not only did I get a first-class education, but I met my husband there, and we have been married for 28 years.


my parents moved us every month or two we rarely stayed in one place more then 2 months. I hated it and never adjusted well or at all. my sister said she liked it but I think she is lieing. I am trying very hard to not move my kids. but since you are only moving this once then you will be ok. you can write and call and e mail friends. I know it is very hard for kids to move but I think sometimes it is not avoidable I think you will be fine just keep in touch with your friends and since you are old enough to go visit on your own you can plan frequent visits like meeting them half way and getting a motel it can be real fun.

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