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harvard law school?

how do you get into harvard law school what kind of education do you need?

Top 4 Answers

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Yowuzup is just spouting crap.

It’s not real rocket science into getting into Harvard. Get your bachelors in something (at least, because having a grad degree before applying to Harvard Law can make you look even more impressive). Have a very high GPA. Have a very high LSAT score. Have some very impressive extra curricular activities. Write a great essay. Have letters of rec where every word is extremely positive.

All the top law schools are like that. The lower the rank, the less impressive you need to be.


5 years ago
They are the same honey. You see, like all colleges, there are undergraduate and graduate programs. Harvard Law School is just a particular college within Harvard. You first must get a undergraduate degree before you can enter Harvard Law School. So technically you can get a “undergraduate” degree in say Political Science from Harvard and then go to Harvard Law School and get your law degree. Capiche?

in a nutshell, its hard for the average person to get in, its usually by how rich and sociably important your familly is then, by your grades

i hope you make it……let inspiration be your guide

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