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I’m in IB, and I was wondering what my GPA for the whole year would be. We’re on a 5.0 scale, and first semester I had 2 B’s and 4 A’s (I was missing an elective because the school messed my schedule up and couldn’t get me one, but it won’t affect me). That semester I had a 4.5 GPA. The next semester I had 3 B’s and 3 A’s, so wouldnt my GPA be a 4.0???? Also, what would my GPA for the whole year be? Thank you and God bless!

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Not sure about a 5 point scale but my guess would be it’s similar to a 4 point scale. in the 4-point scale:






You add up the points then devide by the number of classes you took. If the 5 point scale works the same only A=5 points and so on then your second classes should equal 4.5GPA as well, so over all you’d have 4.58GPA for the whole year. Not sure how accurate that is though. . . good luck, you’re doing great!!!


Each letter grade is assigned a “quality point.” I am not familiar with a 5-point scale, but the process for figuring out your GPA is this: take the quality point of the grade for a course and multiply it by the number of credit hours assigned to the course. Add that number for each course you took in the period you are using to calculate your GPA. Divide that total number by the total number of credits earned in that period. That number will be your GPA.

If you fail or withdraw from a course or get a WF for a course or retake a course, that will all affect your GPA and each school does it differently.

If you have any questions, contact your registrar’s office.


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