GPA Help..please..?
so i have a 90 average..and i know there’s two ways to find your GPA.
1. Just divide 90 by 25.
2. Or a 90 would be a 4.0 since a 90 is an A…
So my question is …which method will colleges use to find your gpa?…thanks a lot.
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The schools I’ve gone to give you 4 points for an A, 3 for a B, etc. They add up the points for each class I take. So If I have 4 classes, and I get 3 A’s and 1 B, that’s 15 points. Then they divide by the number of classes I took. Since I took 4 classes, they divide 15 by 4, which equals 3.75.
In summary:
Find point value for each class.
Add the point values for every class together.
Divide by the number of classes you took.
By the way, some of my professors didn’t consider 90 an A. They said 91-100=A, 81-90=B, etc.