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GPA for College Admission?

When you apply for college, do they look at your GPA or the weighted GPA (with honors/ap)?

Then do they look at the weighted or non weighted class rank?

Top 2 Answers

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Most likely, colleges will want to know both, but unweighted GPA is more important.

The type of class is also very important. Admissions want to see that you took challeging and advanced classes. If you take Honors or AP, yes, it looks good on a application. But if you take regular classes, but are more directed (example, being possible art major, if you took a lot of basic classes, but of DIFFERENT types, like pottery, painting, sculpting), it would not hinder you in any way. It might show college admissions that you have drive, and motivation.

Class rank is somewhat important. I don’t believe it holds much sway in decisions. You’re grades and classes you took are more important.


Kirk S
All of the above plus SAT scores.

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