Going to school for Surgical Technologist, info needed….Plz help!!?
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You shouldn’t be worried about passing out. I’ve been a scrub tech for 9 years, and I’ve never seen anyone pass out. In the beginning, when you’re doing your clinicals, make sure you eat breakfast, always keep your blood sugar at a reasonable level. That’s why most people pass out… if they do.
Back to prerequisite courses… once you’ve had anatomy and physiology, and you’re actually in surgery observing, you’ll understand the anatomy and take it from a scientific/medical perspective. It won’t be something that will gross you out, as long as you have the interest.
I didn’t know if I could handle it in the beginning, but I knew that science, biology, medicine and the human body absolutely fascinated me. I had no problems at all, never did, and it all still fascinates me.
Anything else you’d like to know, or anything specific, please feel free to ask.