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Going back to school at 26… How to know what to major in?

Okay Im a 26 year old single Mother of my 7 year old son. Ive made it far in the professional world and I make very good money. The position I have requires a degree….but I dont’ want to stay here forever and no college degree LIMITS me in SO many areas! I want that degree more than anything in this world, but to be honest I have NO idea what I want to major in. How is that possible? I want a college degree but I dont even know what I want to do? I just know I am not willing to settle for what I am currently doing for the rest of my entire life. How do you figure these things out? I took so many career placement test up at the college…I cannot find one that fits me.

Top 2 Answers
Fly On The Wall

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You said you’re successful already in the professional world. That’s great! Now … if you want to stay in that profession, then major in whatever you would advise an 18-year-old to major in if they were to enter that profession. But you said you’re not willing to settle for that. Therefore you need to define your aspirations better — what do you want to be doing in 10 years — before deciding your college major. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t start college now. Join up with a general studies major. The classes you take will apply toward any degree.

what do you like, what do you dislike? what does your current job entail? Are you going to college because you want to move up from your current position in your field or is it that you want to find a completely different job? What are you good at, what are you bad at? if you ask yourself this questions your sure to narrow it down to just a few. and also how much do you expect the degree to pay?

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