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funny topic for a persuasive speech?

funny topic for a persuasive speech?

Top 2 Answers
John S

Favorite Answer

Announce that you are planning to set up an new political party, the “Ignorance Is Bliss” party.

State that it would seek voters and run for representation in Parliament.

Benefits would include feeling like the pressure was off from peers whilst they can accept you and your actions more readily.

No one would expect much from you thus lightening your responsibility load.

When you did stuff something up the repercussions would be greatly diminished.

Stupid policy suggestions or even blatant rorts would be more likely to get dismissed or swept under the carpet by the public.

The subsequent public entertainment would be akin to one of the reality TV shows and thus net more and more votes without any expectations to actually do the job properly.

After selling the idea comprehensively seek enrolments. When you have a fair few enrolments turn it around and state that, “So….you all finally admit it…”


embroidery fan
Persuade people that it’d be better to have teachers teach in the nude!

Give your grades a lift Order