Free cake! now that I have your attention, i need tutoring help.?
1: How much should I charge per hour?
2: Should I tutor in more then one subject?
3: How should I advertise?
4: Should I tutor at my house or the library or somewhere else?
Favorite Answer
I want to start tutoring 6th graders. I am in the 6th grade so I thought it would be cool to tutor my own grade level. But heres my questions.
I guess you are saying you are entering middle school, so you could not tutor anyone younger than you at your school than a sixth grader. I feel that the educational system leaves kids behind before they start to school, or in first and second grade. I feel that the earlier a kid learns the better, and you will be changing one life for the better for the rest of that person’s life. My advice would be to tutor subjects you already know well. Sixth grade subjects you are just learning, and, possibly tutoring a fellow 6th grader would be nothing more than copying home work for a fellow 6th grader rather than actual tutoring. Now a younger kid, a pre school kid or an elementary kid would look up to a middle school kid. Tutoring fellow students can be done, but I have done a very, very limited amount teaching and more tutoring, and, it takes a lot of time to prepare to either tutor or teach because you will have to know the subject about two or three times better than a student who does not need tutoring. Tutoring 6th graders as a 6th grader can be done; however, you will be figuring out the problems first at your tutoring session of a sixth grader and then tutor the sixth grader, so, it will probably take you twice as long or more to tutor a sixth grader than even a fifth grader. Still tutoring a fifth grader will require you to refresh your memory of the subject before you can start tutoring. Sticking with the basics of “reading, righing, and rithmatic” for the typical elementary school student or teaching a pre schooler reading is where you will be most time effective and make the most difference in that other person’s life. For example, teaching reading to young kids starting to learn reading at the age of 3 on up would be great. It is more difficult to teach reading to a 2nd or 3rd grader who has reading problems as most likely they have been a “victim” of the school system or have not had the time from their parents who might be working hard or have a lot of kids. Still tutor those elementary students with reading difficulties as you can always make a difference.
1: How much should I charge per hour?
Start slow, and then if you develop a great reputation in a school or neighborhood, then, the money will come and you will probably be more in demand than you have time. First you have to make sure that you are a trusty and reliable and respectful and responsible person both to the person you are tutoring and to his/her parent(s). Then, depending upon the problems the kid is having and in which subject, then you can probably make whatever you want if it is important to the parent(s) that their children learn.
2: Should I tutor in more then one subject? Tutor what you know well. In your case, I wouldn’t just want to tutor a 6th grader if you are in 6th grade as it takes too long to learn the material as you are learning subjects the same day as your fellow students. Tutoring and teaching take a lot of time to prepare for before you actually tutor or teach a subject say if you want to tutor 6th graders and you are in 6th grade. A lot of kids in the 6th grade cannot read very well. That is one subject, reading, where you will not have to do any preparation as you already know how to read. It is just that a 6th grader who cannot read had been ignored for 6 long years, or 7 long years if you include “K”, so you have a lot of making up to do most likely with a kid that needs a lot of help. If you can make a slow reading 6th grader read a lot better, then, you will probably do more for a person than if you try to teach a 3 or 4 year old reading who is fairly smart to begin with. Elementary school math are skills you already have without doing much preparation to tutor.
I would say where kids fall furthest behind from early on are in reading and in math. Those with reading and math problems in 6th grade may already be working with special ed teachers. I would think that you would want to find some basic skills particularly starting out to teach like reading and basic math aimed at younger students rather than 6th graders. I think many students have reading problems simply because no one gave them the time. I think many students have basic elementary math problems simply because math scares a lot of kids, both boys and girls. Math is fairly easy and should not be anything to be scared about. With both reading and math, it takes practice on each kid you are tutoring while you are not tutoring them unless they have the personal desire and parental supervision to make them read and study math. It is all practice, practice, practice… like I mean you don’t learn your times tables without a lot of practice. Sometimes when teaching reading, it takes something like comic books or the daily newspaper’s comics to interest a kid in a reading subject, like a comic book or a newspaper comics to really get them interested in reading as the subject a lot of times needs to interest them.
4: Should I tutor at my house or the library or somewhere else? I would usually suggest a place where other people are like a library if you can get a side room of if you do not make too much noise. You want to be as respectible and independent as you can be to possible tutoring students, so at your age (as we all go through the stages of growing up), I would not recommend tutoring a girl in private. You would want to be as open and as visible as possible so no one will ever question your intentions… If you build up a great reputation for being respectful and reliable, then this could lead to many other jobs that a 6th grader could do such as baby sitting, while people are on vacation – watching after houses, pets, watering and mowing lawns, etc… which could lead to more money. Tutoring at the library would give you access to so many things such as the daily newspaper comics, many books, the Internet…
…hey, you can even teach the basics of the Internet, but most schools do this. You might want to find a shy, afraid of making a mistake elementary school kid who is behind on the Internet and computer knowledge and tutor them on increasing their Internet and computer knowledge while tutoring at the library.
3: How should I advertise?
Reputation, reputation, reputation – if you do a great job, parents will talk to other parents. Talking to people. Knowing kids with reading, math, and computer problems who live near you and talking to their parents.
I don’t think that officially advertising at school will do much good or get much support from school officials as “special ed” teachers are the ones who are supposed to teach 6th graders or elementary school students those subjects which they are having problems with, so, and it won’t get you in trouble, but the “special ed” teachers will not want the principles to see that they can be replaced by a 6th grader.
I know you like humor; however, some of your humor should only be told to the guys when the guys are alone together and never girls or parents including here on the Internet. This is important so that people, like parents’ who will be hiring you, do not get the wrong impression of you as you are a normal kid that likes a good joke everyonce in a while. But, certain jokes only need to stay among the guys. A joke or pun meant in good humor or fun told to a girl or parent may destroy all of your reputation as you try to get small jobs to make some extra money whether it be tutoring, work around a neighbor’s house or swimming pool (assuming they have all of the equipment – but adults get tired of cleaning their pools every day which must be done). So, you reputation is something that is important.
Look at the Boy Scout merit badges, and there are a bunch of them, which may give you some ideas of how to make the above tutoring or neighborhood work give you credit for a merit badge. Or, a merit badge may give you an idea of how to make some money while earning the merit badge or using the skill after you earn the merit badge.
Hey, maybe get some parents of Boy Scouts interested in the idea that their sons can become “Eagle Scouts” and teach these fellow scouts the skills as you learn them which might be a good source for a few dollars. Any parent would be proud to have an “Eagle Scout” as a son.
Good luck!
1. Contact counselors in your schools.
2. Put up fliers in supermarkets, laundromats, library bulletin boards.
3. Find out if there are community centers or libraries that offer facilities or programs for tutoring.
4. Take out an advertisement in a local newspaper–for cheaper rates, look for weeklies or all-ad papers.
5. Put fliers on phone poles.
6. Stand outside the school during parents’ night and pass out fliers to all the adults that pass.
7. Stuff fliers into faculty mailboxes (get permission from the principal first).
8. Make several 15 minute public-access cable programs that present lessons in your subject(s), and let the cable company show them on public access channels.
9. Wear a t-shirt custom-printed that says “Tutor for Hire!”
10. Go to sites that allow you to post free ads.
As an in-person tutor, you can charge a higher rate but you are restricted to a specific area – smaller market of potential students. If you tutor online, the rate is lower but you can have a worldwide market of potential students. Try sites like:
(3) … many other sites (use search engine – Good luck!)
Hope this helps you.
You have a good idea hope it goes well!