For those who like “Quotable Quotes” — what do you use them for?
For those of you who have had any interest in looking up famous quotes online, what exactly do you do with these quotes? Do you collect them, send them to friends, use them for school/work…?
Some examples of these quotes are, say, Gandhi’s “Be the change you wish to see in this world.” or Eleanor Roosevelt’s “Women are like teabags. We don’t know our true strength until we are in hot water.”
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Use them to inspire me and also to spark something in my mind to write something. Just sparks creativity and motivation. Tell others, send in emails as well. But mainly to inspire me. Adia
Quoting people makes you sound smart no matter how dumb you are. Quotes can help you sometimes if you understand them correctly. I like them because they are fun and sometimes its fun just to mess around and use them and such. And the always lasting reason, chicks dig it.
I know so many quotes…I use them in conversation. I find it nice to always have something to say, even if it’s not mine…
My favorite by the way is “if the bee comes to your house, give the bee a beer, cause one day you might want to visit the bee’s house.”
my nick is Bee
I home school my boys. Instead of writing something stupid like “There is the apple” , I write these quotes out for them nicely and then they copy them in cursive for practice.
i use the quotes to shine a light upon my darkest hour and show me a path i have forsakened.
hahhah, acculty i love looking up quotes by coco chanel and set them as my away messages on AIM =]
I collect them. I try to remember them also but don’t do to well at that.
I use them in emails and on my blog!
i use quotes for my myspace headline!