Explain the following quote for me please?
A person is only beautiful, when their own beauty, is reflecting on to others.
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The beauty described here is inner beauty ie goodness, kindness, love, joy, peace, patience and when this is lived out then these qualities are copied by those around them. They can be described as qualities by both male and female.
Beautiful here means the goodness of the heart, the inside. Only when you show that goodness to others that you become truly beautiful. A good heart cannot be known if not through ones actions and by doing that you are somewhat reflecting your beauty to others.
a person is only beautiful when their beauty can be seen by others and it makes others appear more beautiful too
the idea is that beauty is not the most important in a social relationship because the most important thing is making a good impression and respecting the “other” person …that is the way your “beauty” rises …
If you don’t feel beautiful and you treat yourself like crap…then you’re not. If a person don’t carry themselves like they love themselves then no one else will see what you are and how beutiful you are. Beauty is what you are and how you act. Love for thy self. Then others will see how beautiful you are.
Beauty is never looks.
it’s saying that a person is beautiful when they bring out the best in people.
i think it means that a person is only beautiful if they aren’t afraid to show their good personality-inner beauty-with others and hope it will spread. being different does has its upsides.
you shouldnt try to copy wht sum1 else is doing.be yourself .and true beauty cumz from within.when ppl see ur inner beauty,u r beatiful.u must bring out the best in u and others.
Beauty comes from within and when shown to others, they are more apt to follow in your footsteps.
maybe beauty is what the beholder sees and thinks is beautiful