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EXCITMENT FOR BACK 2 SCHOOL?!? Are you excited to go back to school??? Tell me why easy way to get best answer

Omg I can’t wait for september 5’th!!! That’s my first day of highschool!!! I’m going to a private catholic school. IM SOO EXCITED!!! Are you excited tell me why??? What did you do or are planning to do with your summer??? Thanks sooo much!!!

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Wow, you are excited. Well, i’m going to a private catholic high school, just not this year. This year i’m finishing middle school. And I love the excitement of finding out who your teachers are, and getting to know new classmates. I mainly love school for friends, but its just so much fun! Plus back to school shopping is always a blast.. for me anyway!

just asking
Wow! I can see your excitement! Well, I’m excited about going back to school because I’ll be able to meet my friends again after a long summer! I’m volunteering and studying for my tests over the summer so I won’t have to stress out over the school year. My family’s probably going on vacation in August too. Hope you have a fun and fulfilling school year!

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